Search Results
277 items found for "school spotlight"
- Spread Seeds to Those In Need
soup kitchen Play with pets at an animal rescue Clean up your local park Organize a food drive at your school
- anybody. anytime. anywhere.
#6-Schedule a #PullYourWeeds® Workshop For Your School or Family Today!
- Conflict Resolution
With school starting up again, we are introduced to new teachers, new classmates, new schedules, and sometimes new schools!
- In Uncertain Moments...
We've got tips to help you self-regulate, suggestions for what to do with the kids home from school and
- "Leave Your Baggage at the Door"
Loewe is a 7th & 8th grade teacher in Oklahoma and she decided the perfect way to kick off the 2019 school
- Sensory Play | #SELatHome
SELatHome segment of the blog is dedicated to providing parents, guardians, babysitters, nannies, after school
- Observation | #SELatHome
Although observation is done frequently in school, there is so much to notice outside the confines of
- F O C U S + R E L A X with a Craft !
A beautiful woven bowl, perfect for storing small toys, school supplies, putting under a plant, or for
- Setting Intentions
This is the perfect craft for the first day of school or even for each new moon!
- Take Some Time to Unwind
You can find crafts, recipes, and techniques that are perfect for home and school!
- Practicing Mindfulness with Your Child
Focus on heart rate and breathing If you see your child getting frustrated with homework, a school project
- Procrastination Problems
If you are really having trouble staying focused and completing tasks, talk to your school's #GuidanceCounselor