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258 items found for "self talk"
- "Leave Your Baggage at the Door"
Recently, we've been talking a lot about social & emotional literacy and why it's important to teach
- What is a Friend?
So often on the blog we talk about sharing feelings with friends, asking friends for help, and learning
- Being The Best "Trusted Adult" You Can Be
When a child approaches you, and wants to talk in private or seems nervous even about asking you to talk
- Rooted in Responsibility
Today, we are talking about responsibility and how it can help us gain more confidence, teach good work We all juggle lots of responsibilities - making it to our bus stop on time, finishing homework, walking Small tasks and jobs like this are valuable learning experiences and by practicing them at home and at take attendance, if you see a student who likes to doodle, have them Start small - at home divvy up tasks Create interactive & engaging ways to designate tasks to your students each week!
- Creating Gardens of Tolerance
| TALK ABOUT OUR DIFFERENCES | If we ignore our differences and pretend they don't exist, how do we expect
- 🌿 Salt Dough Impressions 🌿
On the blog, we talk a lot about focusing on the 'flowers' and if you are new to the blog that means
- Getting The Band Back Together
Wherever your kids are learning this season, encouraging them to 'pull their weeds' (talking about their
- Don't look around, look within
We must love, cherish and respect our own selves first and foremost.
- Building Up Your Toolbox
Maybe you wear a special necklace, doodle in a sketchbook, or talk to an invisible friend when you are
- Flower Emotions Wheel
Our Flower Emotions Wheel Has SEL Roots In: 🌼Identifying your feelings 🌼Using healthy tools to process learning process Materials Needed For Flowers Emotions Wheel: Thick White Paper Markers Scissors Brass Tack Send us an email to Building on and nurturing SEL skills (mental health &
- Procrastination Problems
Procrastination is putting something off to avoid completing or making progress on a task. way you procrastinate, it usually stems from a feeling of fear, uncertainty, or disinterest in the task Make an outline for the task that needs to be completed. If you are really having trouble staying focused and completing tasks, talk to your school's #GuidanceCounselor
- Reminder Rocks
Take a walk, find some rocks, grab some paints, use our Fox & gardening theme as inspirations and get >> Our Reminder Rocks Craft Has SEL Roots In: 🌼Gives kids a sense of achievement 🌼Art promotes creativity Painted rocks are pretty accents in a home office, on a book shelf, on a night stand or on a coffee table