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Discover the transformative power of the SEEDS Technique™ Poster! Manage stress with mindfulness and healthy coping mechanisms, perfect for classrooms, offices, and homes.


Turn your weeds into seeds by bringing mindful awareness to your emotional distress. Our brand new, "SEEDS Technique™" Poster is an effective way to help manage stress levels, for gardeners of all ages, anytime, anywhere and is wonderful & helpful addition to any classroom, office or home!


This simple process involves identifying the cause of our stress, practicing mindfulness, communicating our feelings with trusted individuals, implementing healthy coping mechanisms, while staying rooted in gratitude.


Our SEEDS Technique Poster is available in 2 sizes 11x17 and 18x24.  For multiple posters we offer a 15% discount with code SDSPOST15 at checkout. 


For specialty framing options please email .

SEEDS Technique™ Poster

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