Hello, Gardener friends! It’s Gardener Kelsey here, and I’m buzzing with excitement to share my adventure of becoming a beekeeper with you! You might already know that honeybees are super important to our world, but do you know why? Honey Bees help plants grow by pollinating flowers, which means they move pollen from one flower to another, helping plants make seeds and fruits. Without honeybees, many of the delicious fruits and vegetables we eat wouldn’t grow as well. Sadly, honeybees are at risk of disappearing because of things like pesticides, diseases, and habitat loss. This makes it extra important for us to take care of them!
Scroll down to watch Gardener Kelsey's brand new buzz worthy video!

Gardener Kelsey & Her Bees -Summer 2024
Now, let’s talk about how amazing honeybee hives are. A hive is like a busy little city where every bee has a job to do. There are worker bees, drone bees, and of course, the queen bee! Worker bees collect nectar, build the hive, and take care of baby bees. Drone bees help the queen make new bees. And the queen? She’s the star of the hive, laying all the eggs. It’s like watching a tiny, bustling community in action, and I think that’s incredibly fascinating! Did you know that 99% of the bees in a hive are females? That’s right, girl power!
When I first started beekeeping, I was a little scared. Imagine being surrounded by thousands of buzzing bees – it’s pretty loud! But I learned to trust my bee suit, which keeps me safe. Over time, my fear has turned into fascination (weeds to seeds). I get to watch baby bees grow up, find the queen bee, check on honey levels, watch the 'waggle dance' and so much more.
Becoming a beekeeper has required that I use many of my gardening tools. It requires patience and calm, just like when you’re learning a new skill or meeting a new animal friend. It has also given me confidence because I have learned to quell my fears and care for these amazing insects. Beekeeping is not just about bees; it’s about understanding nature, learning new things, and growing as a person. Plus...delicious, local honey isn't a bad bonus!
So, if you ever get a chance to learn about beekeeping, I highly recommend it. It’s a beautiful, buzzing adventure that teaches you about life, nature, and yourself. Thanks for reading, gardeners!
