Hello Gardeners!
Recently, author, Shanna Truffini and illustrator, Kelsey Jordan, had the amazing opportunity of getting in the studio with Richard & Elizabeth Gearhart of the Passage to Profit Podcast. Passage to Profit features interviews with entrepreneurs and helpful advice from accomplished speakers, business coaches, and entrepreneurs. Last week WE had the pleasure of speaking with Dave Anderson (The Business Bully) and fellow entrepreneur, Angie Myers, of the My "Buddy" Towel.

If you missed us on air, feel free to listen to the podcast below. This interview hits on everything - how the book was born, how our products and programs help spread our seeds, who this book helps, and how we intend to grow! Our interview starts around minute 30, but if you have some extra time, we highly encourage you to listen to the full show.
Thank you so much to Richard, Elizabeth, Dave, and Angie - please show them some love by following @passagetoprofitshow, @businessthebully, @mybuddytowel. Last but not least, to 710 WOR and iHeartRadio for airing this show - it was a truly inspiring and motivating experience!
For all you new gardeners, purchase our book here, check out our web series here, and continue to #PullYourWeeds!