Who's ready for an eggcellent spring craft? We had so much fun making these peek-a-boo baby chicks. All you need is construction paper or card stock , scissors, clothespins and glue! If you celebrate Easter, these would make adorable place settings!

Scroll down for step-by-step instructions for this easy springtime craft...
Gardener Aidan LOVES creating things and DIY projects.
He cracked up making this eggcellent craft!

-Use a small piece paper to cut out an oval shape.
-Draw a zigzag on the back and then cut the zigzag pattern.
-Glue a clothespin to the cutout egg (only use a tiny bit-a small tape rolled up could work too).
-Cut out a tiny chick and draw a face on it.
-Glue or tape the chick to the back of the clothes pin.
Gardeners Tip: You don't need a lot of glue, too much can cause the clothespin to get stuck.